ISO Certification In Saudi Arabia Analysis Discussed

ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia is one of the prime strands for the organization which helps to achieve the objectives. The Main purpose of the international standards was developed to make the services and products better so that the companies, governments and other industries can be efficient.  There are more than 22000 plus of standards published by the international organization for standardization and there are standards which are industry specific like food Industries, medical industries and there are few generic standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 and so on.  These generic standards are very prominent and essential to enhance the process of the organization and it can be applied the organization which is seeking for quality, environmental safety and the employees safety.

Coming to the standard ISO 14001 is one of the internationally recognized and agreed standard which sets out the requirements and policies for an environmental management system. One of the factors to boost up the environmental performances through efficient use of resources are by reducing waste and gaining the advantage of competitors and the stakeholders. This is standard ISO 14001, helps to organization to control, manage, monitor and identify the issues related to environment in a whole manner.  ISO 14001 standard can be applied to all the organization of all types and they do not depend upon the sizes.  It considers all the environmental issues which are relevant to the process or an operation such as water pollution, air and sewage issues, climate change mitigation and adaptation, waste management, soil contamination and other sources deficiency and uses.

Likewise quality management system ISO 9001 focuses on continual improvement and customer satisfaction even ISO 14001 focuses on continual improvement of the organization environmental issues.  The environmental management system has been revised depending upon the current Technologies and market by having key improvements such as strategic planning processes greater commitment towards proactive initiatives which would boost up the performance of environment.

Revision of ISO 14001
Every International standard are revised and reviewed regularly to make sure that they are relevant to the current Marketplace.  Vision are done to environmental management system to the latest trends which includes the both external and internal factors influence the environmental issues such as climate changes and the context in which the organization work.  The changes made also be compatible with the other management systems and make sure that the Technologies and other technical terms also revised to meet the present requirements of the Marketplace.

Key improvements of ISO 14001 standard
 The environmental management system requires certain things and let us knows what are they :
·         The environmental management should be more reliable with the strategic directions of the organization.
·         Leadership Quality has a greater commitment.
·         The proactive initiatives has to be implemented in order to protect the environment from hazards and degradation such as climates
·         Change mitigation and resource use
·         There should be focus on the life cycle thinking to make sure the aspects from the development purpose.
·         There should be a good communication strategy between the stakeholders and they should be always focused.
 As discussed earlier ISO 14001 is a generic standard and it can be implemented with the other international standards who are seeking for environmental performances growth and it helps for the easy integration with the other international standards as it has same structure definitions and terms.
Integration of Quality management system with the environmental system would increase the focus by reducing the potential for confusions.  Along with the quality factors the environmental management system can also be obtained as they have the same high level structure and requirements.  I said before these are basic and the generic standard and the technical committee of ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia has designed in such a way that standards would be having almost same requirements so it would be easier when implemented by consulting any organization.
·         The responsibility that has to be taken by the standard which includes
·         Drafting quantifiable objectives and statement of policy
·         Creating a job descriptions and organizational charts
·         Adequate resources has to be provided
·         In a single document control documentation process has to be covered.
·         One representative has to be appointed so that he can co-ordinate for both quality and environmental management system.
·         Along with the requirements of quality management system the environmental management system requirements also has to be planned so that the inspection and other test systems are modified to cover the whole process in the organization.
 Apart from quality management system it can also be integrated with other systems such as occupational health and safety management system,  quality management system for medical devices,  information security management system and so on.
Why prefer Factocert?
Factocert is a firm which consists of well experienced experts of the International standards and provides you with the greater solution for the organization facing different problems. With the minimal efforts, the organization can be certified by the specific International standards with the help of our subject experts who are well aware about the requirements of the standard and its working cycle.  Factorcert is an organization which not only provides the consulting of international standards but also the certification from the certification bodies and third party audit services.  So whenever you want to choose International standards to be implemented in your organization choose our firm so that you can be benefited from the well experienced and knowledgeable experts to provide you the one stop solution for the problems you are facing in the organization.

Benefits of implementing ISO 14001 to your organization are
·      It helps to improve the organizations credibility and image that the customers are satisfied by the services and other products that you deliver to them.
·         Working place it's good then it gives an assurance to your customers that the work process is carried out with all environmental safety things so that there is no problem of accidents auras to the employees as well as to the organization. ISO certification Consultant in Saudi Arabia
·         It helps to reduce the accidents and therefore it reduces the cost factor.
  All these benefits can be achieved if you are opting for ISO 14001 standard and I think it is one of the best decisions an organization can make.


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